Computer Overheating | Guide For Cool Down CPU Temperature

Computer Overheating | Guide For Cool Down CPU Temperature

What to do if the cool down CPU temperature is too high and it heats up too much to cool. It down and prevent sudden shutdown of the PC or damage.

Each computer generates heat from the moment it is turned on and uses fans or other systems to cool. The most delicate components, including power supply and, above all, the processor.

With regard to the latter. It is very important that the CPU temperature remains. As low as possible to keep the computer running as long as possible and to prevent it from deteriorating.

CPU warming is so important for a PC that every system suddenly turns off. If the temperature goes up too much to prevent the processor from being burned.

Ideally, the CPU temperature of a computer should remain constant between 40 ° C and 50 ° C on newer and optimized PCs, reaching 70-80 ° C on older, dusty computers.

Above 80 and, above all, with a temperature above 90 ° C, the situation becomes risky for the integrity of the processor and the system will be forced to activate the safety procedure and turn off automatically to avoid damage.

The causes of a high CPU temperature are basically due to three causes. Which in most cases can be corrected and eliminated.

Try to 7 Popular Tricks to Cool Down CPU Temperature

1) Lack of thermal paste

The thermal paste must be placed on the surface of the processor, in direct contact with the heat sink (the fan) and helps to transfer heat efficiently.

It must be spread uniformly, creating a space between the CPU and the heat sink.
For example, running a CPU without thermal paste is like driving a car with an oil-free engine.
The processor without thermal paste burns as well as the engine of the machine without oil.
To check if the CPU needs new thermal paste. You must open the case, locate the heat sink (ie the fan above the processor) and remove it.
Then clean the surface of the processor from the old and dry pasta and squeeze the new pasta tube in the middle.

Reposition, then, the heat sink on the processor so that it, placed in contact and pushed on the processor, will evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface.

After closing and turning on the PC, check if the temperature detected by the programs is lower than before.

2) Too much dust

Computer dust can not only obstruct the computer’s air vents. It can also build up on the fans by slowing their rotation and preventing proper cooling.

The heat sink, in addition, accumulates a lot of dust in the interior spaces, preventing the passage of uniform air

3) The heat sink is positioned incorrectly

If you apply the thermal paste and the cool down CPU temperature does not decrease. It may be that the heat sink has not been well placed and does not reach full contact with the processor.

In this case, therefore, it is better to remove it and reposition it, making sure that all the assembly points are aligned and locked.

4) Buy a new CPU heatsink

The fan above the CPU keeps the chip cool by lifting and transferring heat away from the CPU.

If the computer is a few years old and the heatsink is so impregnated with dirt and dust that it is difficult to clean, you should buy a new one.

Taking care only to buy the same model as the old one. Which is compatible with the socket (attack) of the motherboard, you can buy a heatsink for the common CPU like this.

5) Need for an additional fan

On a computer with components such as a new hard drive or another power supply or a larger video card, it may also be necessary to use an additional fan.

Of how to manage the PC fans for better cooling and airflow we talked in another article, with instructions to mount a new one.

Typically this can be attached with screws on the space provided above the case and connected to the motherboard with a three-pin plug.

6) Malware

Some common malware infections cause a peak in the temperature of the CPU because they keep it busy constantly.

In this case it should also be noted a constant use at the maximum of the fans and a slowing down of the performances.

7) Disable overclocking

If you have activated overclocking of the processor. To increase its speed or clock frequency (from the BIOS or through some program), then you must immediately deactivate it.

Overclocking, in fact, costs more CPU heat and a higher temperature inside the computer.

Why does a computer overheat?

Even a brand-new computer will heat up when memory-intensive operations overtax the processor. As PCs tend to do as they get older. When a computer’s internal cooling system is unable to adequately remove the hot air produced by the electrical components utilized in computer processing, overheating happens.

All electrical devices produce heat as a necessary byproduct, and computers are no exception. The electricity and heat produced by modern computers are enormous. If the computer’s heating system. Which includes fans, cooling elements, and vents—can effectively regulate the temperature, then that shouldn’t be a problem.

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