WiFi Access Point: How It Works and Benefits?

WiFi Access Point: How It Works and Benefits?

After years of honored service, your beloved modem has decided to say goodbye. From one day to the next, it stopped working, and so you had to buy a new one. It’s pity. In trying to meet your needs quickly, you haven’t had time to choose a model that truly fits them. You now have a device with poor WiFi range. Or, worse, it can’t create a wireless network. Now the die is cast, as a “said,” but fortunately you can still easily remedy the situation using a nice access point.

How do you say? You do not know what I’m talking about, and would you like to receive more info? No sooner said than done. If you allow me a few minutes, I can explain what a WiFi access point is. More importantly, I can explain how it works. Nothing overly complicated or, in any case, out of reach; I can assure you this right away.

An access point is a “gadget.” It turns a wired network into a wireless one. So, it provides wireless access to all devices that need it. A device of this kind must be configured to use it. This operation does not require any special skills. To find out more, keep reading; find everything explained in detail below. Enjoy the reading!

What is a Wi-Fi Access Point?

Before explaining how a WiFi access point works, I must clarify what we are talking about.

I anticipated you at the beginning of the guide. Here, you will find a detailed explanation and the main technical specs. In short, in the end, you should have a rather complete picture of it.

General information: WiFi Access Point

As I said, a WiFi access point is a device that turns a wired network into a wireless one. It lets nearby devices connect to the Internet without cables.

An access point spreads the Internet connection through the air, poetically. But, unlike a modem/router with “standard” WiFi support, it can’t connect directly to the line (ADSL or Fiber). So, it needs to connect to a modem/router. It must talk to the central telephone operator.

The signal is transmitted using high-frequency radio waves (2.4 and 5 GHz). These are the same frequencies used by common modems and routers. They are also used by other wireless devices.

A WiFi access point, called a “Root” in tech terms, has extra functions. It can operate in:

  1. Bridge mode: This connects two wired networks via a point-to-point link between two access points.

  2. Repeater mode: This extends a wireless network’s coverage without using other cables or a modem/router.

  3. Client mode: This connects devices without WiFi cards to the wireless network by linking them to the access point via cable.


Other, less common, but available modes are the Universal Repeater and the WDS. The Universal Repeater works when the access point connects to other access points and clients without special setups. The WDS works when an access point can connect, without keys, to other devices in the category wirelessly.

To avoid misunderstandings, it’s good to clarify a difference. People often confuse WiFi access points and repeaters, or range extenders. The latter, unlike the first I mentioned earlier, capture the WiFi signal of a wireless modem/router. They then repeat it in another area. I will give you more details in the next lines. Some range extenders have an access point function. But, in the case of devices, the functions are the same as above.

Technical features

Now that you understand, what is an access point, let’s review its main technical features. Please consider them based on your needs and preferences. Find them below.

  • WiFi classes and data transfer speed – Access points can support different WiFi classes. They ensure different data transfer rates: class b (802.11b) up to 11 Mbps, class g (802.11g) up to 54 Mbps, class n (802.11n) up to 300 or 450 Mbps, and ac (802.11ac) up to 1.3 Gbps.

  • Antennas and ports– WiFi access points can have antennas and network ports of various types and in variable numbers. The antennas can be internal or external, fixed or removable. The power level is measured in dB. The ports connect the devices to the network via cable. They can be Fast Ethernet, with a rate of up to 100 Mbps, or Gigabit Ethernet, with a rate of up to 1,000 Mbps.

  • Contemporary clients– Each WiFi access point can suppurate a number of simultaneous devices. In domestic use, this limit is not important. It is high and hard to exceed. In business, though, it matters. Many devices need connecting.

  • PoE (Power Over Ethernet)– Access points with PoE support can use an Ethernet cable to simultaneously receive data and electricity. It can therefore be positioned far from the main modem / router without having to use very long extension cables for the power outlet.

  • Encryption– WPA / WPA2 encryption is currently the most secure of wireless networks and the most widespread. A self-respecting access point should therefore support this system as well as any other solutions.

  • Multi-SSID– This is a function that allows you to create multiple virtual access points with different names and passwords.

  • WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) allows easy WiFi access- WiFi access points with WPS support let devices join the network with a button press, no password needed.

  • Beamforming is a technology- It lets the access point prioritize the signal to the device that requested a connection.

Straight for correct positioning

WiFi access points can be placed on a floor, like a shelf or desk, or installed on a ceiling or wall, depending on their shape. Some can be used indoors and outdoors, depending on the materials. To get the best wireless network, you must position the device correctly.

But what does that mean exactly? First, try to place the WiFi access point as close as possible to the devices you want to connect to the network. Keep in mind the need to maintain a connection to the modem/router.

To ensure the access point’s wireless network works, place it far from obstacles, like thick walls and mirrors. Also, reduce interference from other radio wave devices, like cordless phones and microwaves. This will help you get the most power from the network.


At this point I would say that you can feel more than satisfied: you finally managed to understand how an access point works. But I guess now you’re wondering: how should you configure a device of this type to be exploited? Let’s find out right away, together, clearly.

To start using the access point, connect it to the modem/router via an Ethernet cable. Use the WAN port on the access point and an Ethernet port on the router. This will connect the two devices.

Then, connect the access point to the current using the power supply. Press the power button and wait for the device’s lights to turn on. This shows it is now working.

Then you have to identify by computer (or through the smartphone or tablet) the wireless network that the access point has started to generate and you must connect to it. It then activates the device configuration panel by entering the address or or the one indicated in the instruction manual.

Also consider that to access the access point configuration panel you may be asked to enter a username and password. Generally, the combination to use is admin / admin or admin / password but there are circumstances where you need to use other settings. If this is your case, you can take a closer look at the router user manual to find out the right combination.


Go now to the section for the Internet and wireless settings. Customize, if you want, the wireless network name (SSID) and password. Then, save the changes.

If then there is a server that automatically provides the addresses, enable  DHCP also for the WiFi access point. If this is not the case, you can set the static mode and configure an IP by entering the correct values in the fields displayed in the management panel.

Alternatively, you can configure the access point using the device installation disk. Insert it into the computer and follow the wizard.

Unfortunately, I cannot be more specific about the operations to configure them. The items attached to the device’s settings panel, and how to connect to it, vary by the brand and model of your access point. If so, then you must be good at identifying the correct sections to access to adjust the parameters above.

As you have seen yourself, the configuration is not difficult. It takes a little ‘commitment and a minimum of attention, this is, but it is nothing complex. If you need more information, please refer to my tutorial on how to configure access points. It covers the methods I mentioned at the start of the article.

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